Table of Contents
Building faith in God’s Word
1. The Characteristics of Cults, Dogmatism and Legalism... 10
2. Why the Bible is God’s Word.. 18
3. Archaeology and the Bible. 22
4. Creation or Evolution—Which Takes More Faith.. 32
5. How the Bible Came Down to US. 38
6 Is Genesis Trustworthy. 56
7. The Power of Prophecy in Our Lives. 57
8. A Book that Caused Death, Persecution and Banned by Popes. 59
9. The Bible Breakdown.. 61
Bible prophecy
10.. Why Everyone Should Study Prophecy. 64
1.1 Prophecy: Myths, Truths, and Kinds of Prophecy. 65
12. How to Study Prophecy Honestly. 66
13. Why Christ is the Key to Bible Prophecy. 68
14. God’s Personal Promises to Us through Prophecy. 75
15. Bible Prophecies about Money and Wealth.. 76
16. End time Prophecies and Jesus’ Return.. 78
17. 5 Prophecies in Old Testament Concerning Paradise. 79
18. Prophecies concerning Israel and Devastation of Non-Jewish Nations in O. T. 80
19. Prophecies in 4 Gospels. 83
20. Some Prophesies in Acts, Paul’s and Peter’s Letters. 84
The whole Bible through the eyes of Christ and prophecy
21. Christ in Genesis and Prophecy of Spiritual Battle Begins. 85
22. Israel and Christ in Exodus. 97
23. Christ in Leviticus. 105
24. Christ in the Book of Numbers. 115
25. Deuteronomy—Reminders, Recollection and Repetition.. 118
26. Joshua—Prophecy Fulfilled--Promised Land, Rest and Christ. 123
27. Judges- Diversion, Deliverance with Prophecy on Hold.. 127
28. Ruth——from Pagan Moab and Destitution to Christ’s Family. 129
29. 1 Samuel—the Jews Demand a King, a Pivotal Turn.. 132
30. 2 Samuel--The Length and Depth of David and Christ. 135
31. 1 Kings—from Peace and Prosperity to Murder. 138
32. 19 rulers from North and 20 from South with prophets. 143
33. 2 Kings—Christ’s Lineage Almost Annihilated.. 144
34. 1st Chronicles—Kingship after 70 Years of Exile. 150
35. 2 Chronicles--Christ’s Lineage after 70 Years of Captivity. 153
36. Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. 157
37. Christ in Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs. 163
38. Christ and the Major Prophets. 174
39. Christ and the 12 Minor Prophets. 183
Christ arrives after 4,000 years
40. The Four Gospels and the New Testament. 192
41. Acts—Christ’s Resurrection, Preaching His Name/Kingdom... 214
Christ in Paul's letters
42. Romans—Christian Responsibility Toward Law, Authority, Sin, Food, Special Days. 216
43. 1 CORINTHIANS Address Problems in Congregation under Christ’s Law... 219
44. 2 Corinthians: Christ’s Ambassadors, Trials, God of this Age. 222
45. Galatians Freedom in Christ, not Law, Legalism, or Diets. 225
46. Ephesians— How to Be One in Christ and Wear Spiritual Armor. 227
47. Philippians …Christ’s Humility and Living in a Manner Worthy of Christ. 230
48. Colossians— Christ over Wisdom, Secret Societies, Law, Diets. 232
49. 1 Thessalonians Suffering for Christ. 234
50. 2 Thessalonians...Anti-Christian Teaching, Big Deception, the Lazy. 235
51. Qualifications of Christ’s Shepherds 1,2 Timothy and Titus. 236
52. Hebrews…Christ compared to Angels, Moses, Sabbath, etc. 239
James, Peter, John, Jude highlight Christ, the anti-christ, false teachers
53. James... Christ’s Mini-Sermon on the Mount, Works, Favoritism, Trials, Temptations. 241
54. 1 Peter...Following Christ as Strangers in Foreign Land.. 243
55. 2 Peter... Staying Faithful to Christ, Identifying Corruption, False Prophets. 245
56. 1,2,3 John, Jude and Philemon.. 247
57. Revelation-- from God to Christ to an Angel to John to Us. 250
147 principles for Christian living
58. Christian Responsibilities. 254
59. References for Further Reading.. 262
Bonus: Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation--the cults, the lies, and the lessons
60. Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation: the Cults, the Lies, and the Lessons. 264
“Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest ... “ Matt. 11:28
Building faith in God’s Word
1. The Characteristics of Cults, Dogmatism and Legalism... 10
2. Why the Bible is God’s Word.. 18
3. Archaeology and the Bible. 22
4. Creation or Evolution—Which Takes More Faith.. 32
5. How the Bible Came Down to US. 38
6 Is Genesis Trustworthy. 56
7. The Power of Prophecy in Our Lives. 57
8. A Book that Caused Death, Persecution and Banned by Popes. 59
9. The Bible Breakdown.. 61
Bible prophecy
10.. Why Everyone Should Study Prophecy. 64
1.1 Prophecy: Myths, Truths, and Kinds of Prophecy. 65
12. How to Study Prophecy Honestly. 66
13. Why Christ is the Key to Bible Prophecy. 68
14. God’s Personal Promises to Us through Prophecy. 75
15. Bible Prophecies about Money and Wealth.. 76
16. End time Prophecies and Jesus’ Return.. 78
17. 5 Prophecies in Old Testament Concerning Paradise. 79
18. Prophecies concerning Israel and Devastation of Non-Jewish Nations in O. T. 80
19. Prophecies in 4 Gospels. 83
20. Some Prophesies in Acts, Paul’s and Peter’s Letters. 84
The whole Bible through the eyes of Christ and prophecy
21. Christ in Genesis and Prophecy of Spiritual Battle Begins. 85
22. Israel and Christ in Exodus. 97
23. Christ in Leviticus. 105
24. Christ in the Book of Numbers. 115
25. Deuteronomy—Reminders, Recollection and Repetition.. 118
26. Joshua—Prophecy Fulfilled--Promised Land, Rest and Christ. 123
27. Judges- Diversion, Deliverance with Prophecy on Hold.. 127
28. Ruth——from Pagan Moab and Destitution to Christ’s Family. 129
29. 1 Samuel—the Jews Demand a King, a Pivotal Turn.. 132
30. 2 Samuel--The Length and Depth of David and Christ. 135
31. 1 Kings—from Peace and Prosperity to Murder. 138
32. 19 rulers from North and 20 from South with prophets. 143
33. 2 Kings—Christ’s Lineage Almost Annihilated.. 144
34. 1st Chronicles—Kingship after 70 Years of Exile. 150
35. 2 Chronicles--Christ’s Lineage after 70 Years of Captivity. 153
36. Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. 157
37. Christ in Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs. 163
38. Christ and the Major Prophets. 174
39. Christ and the 12 Minor Prophets. 183
Christ arrives after 4,000 years
40. The Four Gospels and the New Testament. 192
41. Acts—Christ’s Resurrection, Preaching His Name/Kingdom... 214
Christ in Paul's letters
42. Romans—Christian Responsibility Toward Law, Authority, Sin, Food, Special Days. 216
43. 1 CORINTHIANS Address Problems in Congregation under Christ’s Law... 219
44. 2 Corinthians: Christ’s Ambassadors, Trials, God of this Age. 222
45. Galatians Freedom in Christ, not Law, Legalism, or Diets. 225
46. Ephesians— How to Be One in Christ and Wear Spiritual Armor. 227
47. Philippians …Christ’s Humility and Living in a Manner Worthy of Christ. 230
48. Colossians— Christ over Wisdom, Secret Societies, Law, Diets. 232
49. 1 Thessalonians Suffering for Christ. 234
50. 2 Thessalonians...Anti-Christian Teaching, Big Deception, the Lazy. 235
51. Qualifications of Christ’s Shepherds 1,2 Timothy and Titus. 236
52. Hebrews…Christ compared to Angels, Moses, Sabbath, etc. 239
James, Peter, John, Jude highlight Christ, the anti-christ, false teachers
53. James... Christ’s Mini-Sermon on the Mount, Works, Favoritism, Trials, Temptations. 241
54. 1 Peter...Following Christ as Strangers in Foreign Land.. 243
55. 2 Peter... Staying Faithful to Christ, Identifying Corruption, False Prophets. 245
56. 1,2,3 John, Jude and Philemon.. 247
57. Revelation-- from God to Christ to an Angel to John to Us. 250
147 principles for Christian living
58. Christian Responsibilities. 254
59. References for Further Reading.. 262
Bonus: Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation--the cults, the lies, and the lessons
60. Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation: the Cults, the Lies, and the Lessons. 264
“Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest ... “ Matt. 11:28