The real battle—the Truth versus the lie
The ultimate battle is not good versus evil, defending the weak against the strong, capitalism combating communism, or fighting for rights, language, and race equality. These are important causes and always on the mind of true Christians, but they are the sideshows--the symptoms of deception and lies. From the outset at Genesis chapter three, the battle has been exposing the LIE and understanding the role lies play in human suffering, hate, and exploitation (Gen. 3:1-5). Lies can only deliver deception, unfulfilled promises, and death. Regardless how much humanity works on their personality to become better, ageing and death are inevitable. However, God cannot lie (Titus 1:2, Num. 23:19, Heb. 6:18). And there is a hope to death and suffering (Rev. 21:1-5, Acts 16:31).
The target of slander, hate, and cruelty
Because Christ is the Truth and His sacrifice means so much to humanity, everything concerning Him and the Bible are the target of slander, hate, cruelty, twisted theology, the half-lie, the full lie, and half-truth. Most slander and lies are conveyed through religion and charismatic gurus who cannot deliver what they promise nor save themselves. That is why we compare Christ to every new philisophy, cult, teaching, and religion.
The half-lie
Adam and Eve along with Christ were given the half-lie—one part true (when the commandment was cited in Gen. 3:1), but the other part false, the comment after the text. "Don’t worry you won’t die", was the claim. This was the same nefarious approach with Jesus when He was tempted—one part true (the Bible verses cited in Matthew 4) but the second part false, the application of the text. These and the half truths are the most difficult to uncover. False religion uses half-lies, which always include a Bible text with an intellectually dishonest application.
The half-lie with fifteen Bible texts
Other churches string fifteen Bible texts, out of context or ambiguous, to prove a point and then impose these difficult-to-prove texts on members. Sadly, many churches are built exclusively on these ambiguous beliefs. When a belief is important for eternal life, it is clearly stated. If a belief isn’t clear, you can question it in good conscience and reject it (Deut. 3:11-14).
Replacing the Master
Paul states that all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ (Col.2:3). However, most religions subtley replace Christ wholly or partly, somehow, someway, directly or indirectly but always keeping Christ in the conversation. Eventually Christ becomes secondary. The programs Deadly Devotion, Extreme Cults, Brainwashed and others, portray ruined lives, destroyed families, and abused people all in God’s name. Religious lies imposed on others have caused as much harm to people as the world wars.
This is the same when an organization teaches that to be saved you must go through THEM, or they claim they are directly inspired or directed by God and then cannot be questioned. What the organization says, goes, whether biblical or not. However, I have never read anywhere in the Bible where I must be a member of, or go through, a certain church or prophet other than Christ to be saved, have you (Jn. 14:6, 13:11)? Is someone else called Truth in the Bible? Does someone else have better principles based on love than Jesus conveyed to us?
Initially, many talk about Christ, get your confidence, and slowly transfer the position of Christ to their shoulders. When this happens, your Christian Freedom vanishes. These imposters then teach their agenda. They arrogantly add what they think Christ missed! How many beliefs are you judged on in your church that have no direct Bible reference? Do they teach you the principles and let you decide without pressure or condemnation?
As mentioned on page one, Professors Peter W. Soner and Dr. Robert C. Newman calculated the statistical probability of one person fulfilling just 48 detailed prophecies. It is i in 10,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 ,000,000, 000,000 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Would you NOT EXPECT Christ's replacements, such as the Watchtower’s Faithful Slave, the Mormon’s Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, Christian Science’s Mary Eddy Baker, the Moonies’ Reverend Moon, the Pope, the New Agers, agnostics, the atheists, and others to have as many prophecies and identification marks as Christ, 4,000 years of history, touch on science with facts impossible for man to know? If the gurus or organisations contradict Christ's teachings or tell us they have better principles, we can compare?
The half-truths
Because of pride, many dogmatic preachers and legalistic churches go further than the Bible allows (1 Cor. 4:6). Paul called it pride. We see this when religions prophesy but continually change the prophecies, and then they impose these NEW false prophecies, beliefs, or actions on members. God doesn’t have Alzheimer’s to forget.
Another ploy is making you feel guilty because you never do enough. How many works did the thief at Calvary accomplish before Christ accepted or will accept him into the Kingdom (Luke 23:44-45)? This doesn’t mean an immoral lifestyle or just doing nothing is acceptable (Gal. 5: 19-21); Faith produces works and good deeds. Read the book of James to be convinced. Christians are the light of the world and salt of the earth (Matt. 5). You cannot be both salt and light without your life being a testimonial. Unmasking the lie is showing this light and salt to others.
Lying by omission
A favourite lie is when an organization, church, or a pastor does not give all sides of a teaching on Christ or teaches Christ with a slant or bias. These people have lied by omission (Acts 20:20). They are not teaching you Christ, but a concept--theirs. Some give their own opinion on things that are not their business. In one case a preacher said it was a lack of faith to have life insurance. I remember a family almost homeless when the father did not believe in insurance. Is the preacher ready to take care of the family when the father or mother dies and is left destitute?
Hiding some not-so convenient facts
When organizations condemn, forbid, confiscate literature, or hide information that does not offer the opportunity to compare and understand Christ more fully, they’ve taken away your freedom. This is like communist countries that have one newspaper and one television station—theirs, and you’d better not contradict them or find yourself listening to a forbidden channel. There are some excellent Bible encyclopaedias and concordances written by God-fearing people to help us deepen our understanding and appreciation of Christ. They are just that however--Bible aids and not inspired. Study them and then apply your God-given conscience.
Saying the Bible interprets itself--really?
Be careful when you hear this. The Bible doesn’t interpret itself and any Bible scholar who says that it does is dishonest and knows better. They will give you examples such as the dragon and the Lamb or the sea, which is easy to understand. However, we would all have the same beliefs and wouldn’t need the Holy Spirit if the Bible interpreted itself. In the book Winning …there are comparisons of the major religions and authors in Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation showing how the ¨ prophecy experts¨ and major religions contradict each other and do not have an inside tract on Bible prophecy. Stick with the principle the prophecy conveys and you can never go wrong.
Lying outright
How often have I heard someone say that the Bible contradicts itself, was written by man, have been translated too often to be God's Word, accuse God of being a racist because of choosing the Jews, yet never sit down for an hour to HONESTLY look at the facts. MANY HAVE NEVER READ THE BIBLE. No Christian who knows the Bible will shy away from sharing their knowledge with honest truth seekers. However we demand as much proof of their gurus as they require of Jesus who gave us 147 principles based on Love. When someone says we are going to become a god after death, and they cannot answer some basic questions we ask us nor bring on facts they demand of us. Their lies are always to be proven later, as in the Garden of Eden, annd with Jesus when He was tempted... when it is too late.
Preaching Christ means preaching all the Bible and all texts concerning Christ, not just the few favourites. It means following Christ and no one else. Lies lead to death as in the Garden of Eden. How many are being sacrificed by believing in promises cults and gurus cannot fulfill? These are the people the mission is endeavoring to help.
The ultimate battle is not good versus evil, defending the weak against the strong, capitalism combating communism, or fighting for rights, language, and race equality. These are important causes and always on the mind of true Christians, but they are the sideshows--the symptoms of deception and lies. From the outset at Genesis chapter three, the battle has been exposing the LIE and understanding the role lies play in human suffering, hate, and exploitation (Gen. 3:1-5). Lies can only deliver deception, unfulfilled promises, and death. Regardless how much humanity works on their personality to become better, ageing and death are inevitable. However, God cannot lie (Titus 1:2, Num. 23:19, Heb. 6:18). And there is a hope to death and suffering (Rev. 21:1-5, Acts 16:31).
The target of slander, hate, and cruelty
Because Christ is the Truth and His sacrifice means so much to humanity, everything concerning Him and the Bible are the target of slander, hate, cruelty, twisted theology, the half-lie, the full lie, and half-truth. Most slander and lies are conveyed through religion and charismatic gurus who cannot deliver what they promise nor save themselves. That is why we compare Christ to every new philisophy, cult, teaching, and religion.
The half-lie
Adam and Eve along with Christ were given the half-lie—one part true (when the commandment was cited in Gen. 3:1), but the other part false, the comment after the text. "Don’t worry you won’t die", was the claim. This was the same nefarious approach with Jesus when He was tempted—one part true (the Bible verses cited in Matthew 4) but the second part false, the application of the text. These and the half truths are the most difficult to uncover. False religion uses half-lies, which always include a Bible text with an intellectually dishonest application.
The half-lie with fifteen Bible texts
Other churches string fifteen Bible texts, out of context or ambiguous, to prove a point and then impose these difficult-to-prove texts on members. Sadly, many churches are built exclusively on these ambiguous beliefs. When a belief is important for eternal life, it is clearly stated. If a belief isn’t clear, you can question it in good conscience and reject it (Deut. 3:11-14).
Replacing the Master
Paul states that all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ (Col.2:3). However, most religions subtley replace Christ wholly or partly, somehow, someway, directly or indirectly but always keeping Christ in the conversation. Eventually Christ becomes secondary. The programs Deadly Devotion, Extreme Cults, Brainwashed and others, portray ruined lives, destroyed families, and abused people all in God’s name. Religious lies imposed on others have caused as much harm to people as the world wars.
This is the same when an organization teaches that to be saved you must go through THEM, or they claim they are directly inspired or directed by God and then cannot be questioned. What the organization says, goes, whether biblical or not. However, I have never read anywhere in the Bible where I must be a member of, or go through, a certain church or prophet other than Christ to be saved, have you (Jn. 14:6, 13:11)? Is someone else called Truth in the Bible? Does someone else have better principles based on love than Jesus conveyed to us?
Initially, many talk about Christ, get your confidence, and slowly transfer the position of Christ to their shoulders. When this happens, your Christian Freedom vanishes. These imposters then teach their agenda. They arrogantly add what they think Christ missed! How many beliefs are you judged on in your church that have no direct Bible reference? Do they teach you the principles and let you decide without pressure or condemnation?
As mentioned on page one, Professors Peter W. Soner and Dr. Robert C. Newman calculated the statistical probability of one person fulfilling just 48 detailed prophecies. It is i in 10,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 ,000,000, 000,000 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Would you NOT EXPECT Christ's replacements, such as the Watchtower’s Faithful Slave, the Mormon’s Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, Christian Science’s Mary Eddy Baker, the Moonies’ Reverend Moon, the Pope, the New Agers, agnostics, the atheists, and others to have as many prophecies and identification marks as Christ, 4,000 years of history, touch on science with facts impossible for man to know? If the gurus or organisations contradict Christ's teachings or tell us they have better principles, we can compare?
The half-truths
Because of pride, many dogmatic preachers and legalistic churches go further than the Bible allows (1 Cor. 4:6). Paul called it pride. We see this when religions prophesy but continually change the prophecies, and then they impose these NEW false prophecies, beliefs, or actions on members. God doesn’t have Alzheimer’s to forget.
Another ploy is making you feel guilty because you never do enough. How many works did the thief at Calvary accomplish before Christ accepted or will accept him into the Kingdom (Luke 23:44-45)? This doesn’t mean an immoral lifestyle or just doing nothing is acceptable (Gal. 5: 19-21); Faith produces works and good deeds. Read the book of James to be convinced. Christians are the light of the world and salt of the earth (Matt. 5). You cannot be both salt and light without your life being a testimonial. Unmasking the lie is showing this light and salt to others.
Lying by omission
A favourite lie is when an organization, church, or a pastor does not give all sides of a teaching on Christ or teaches Christ with a slant or bias. These people have lied by omission (Acts 20:20). They are not teaching you Christ, but a concept--theirs. Some give their own opinion on things that are not their business. In one case a preacher said it was a lack of faith to have life insurance. I remember a family almost homeless when the father did not believe in insurance. Is the preacher ready to take care of the family when the father or mother dies and is left destitute?
Hiding some not-so convenient facts
When organizations condemn, forbid, confiscate literature, or hide information that does not offer the opportunity to compare and understand Christ more fully, they’ve taken away your freedom. This is like communist countries that have one newspaper and one television station—theirs, and you’d better not contradict them or find yourself listening to a forbidden channel. There are some excellent Bible encyclopaedias and concordances written by God-fearing people to help us deepen our understanding and appreciation of Christ. They are just that however--Bible aids and not inspired. Study them and then apply your God-given conscience.
Saying the Bible interprets itself--really?
Be careful when you hear this. The Bible doesn’t interpret itself and any Bible scholar who says that it does is dishonest and knows better. They will give you examples such as the dragon and the Lamb or the sea, which is easy to understand. However, we would all have the same beliefs and wouldn’t need the Holy Spirit if the Bible interpreted itself. In the book Winning …there are comparisons of the major religions and authors in Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation showing how the ¨ prophecy experts¨ and major religions contradict each other and do not have an inside tract on Bible prophecy. Stick with the principle the prophecy conveys and you can never go wrong.
Lying outright
How often have I heard someone say that the Bible contradicts itself, was written by man, have been translated too often to be God's Word, accuse God of being a racist because of choosing the Jews, yet never sit down for an hour to HONESTLY look at the facts. MANY HAVE NEVER READ THE BIBLE. No Christian who knows the Bible will shy away from sharing their knowledge with honest truth seekers. However we demand as much proof of their gurus as they require of Jesus who gave us 147 principles based on Love. When someone says we are going to become a god after death, and they cannot answer some basic questions we ask us nor bring on facts they demand of us. Their lies are always to be proven later, as in the Garden of Eden, annd with Jesus when He was tempted... when it is too late.
Preaching Christ means preaching all the Bible and all texts concerning Christ, not just the few favourites. It means following Christ and no one else. Lies lead to death as in the Garden of Eden. How many are being sacrificed by believing in promises cults and gurus cannot fulfill? These are the people the mission is endeavoring to help.