Please note: Veuillez noter que nous sommes en train de traduire tout le travail de prophétie en français. Quelques articles sont actuellement disponibles. Les traductions seront publiées au fur et à mesure qu'elles seront traduites.
eLearning to Have Faith in God’s Word
Because we live in an atheistic world, many do not believe in a Creator or have trouble defending it. Christians should never feel intimidated to express their views on Creation. If you do not have the information, these fingertip guides will help you reason with someone who is honest and seeking truth. Don`t forget, Jesus could not persuade those who were not looking for spiritual truth.
The fingertip guides are also great for group discussions. There is more proof for Creation than Evolution. And don't forget, evolution and atheism can only offer a message of death. Listen to the three audios. The transcripts are available. They are concise and short, hand for group discussions and home study. If you are a scientist and need a scientific approach please see the website Creation Mininstires Internation where the books and articles are written by scientists and professors with P
1. Why the Bible is God’s Word
2. Archaeology and the Bible
3. Creation or Evolution—Which Takes More Faith?
4. How the Bible Came Down to us
5. Is Genesis Trustworthy?
Because we live in an atheistic world, many do not believe in a Creator or have trouble defending it. Christians should never feel intimidated to express their views on Creation. If you do not have the information, these fingertip guides will help you reason with someone who is honest and seeking truth. Don`t forget, Jesus could not persuade those who were not looking for spiritual truth.
The fingertip guides are also great for group discussions. There is more proof for Creation than Evolution. And don't forget, evolution and atheism can only offer a message of death. Listen to the three audios. The transcripts are available. They are concise and short, hand for group discussions and home study. If you are a scientist and need a scientific approach please see the website Creation Mininstires Internation where the books and articles are written by scientists and professors with P
1. Why the Bible is God’s Word
2. Archaeology and the Bible
3. Creation or Evolution—Which Takes More Faith?
4. How the Bible Came Down to us
5. Is Genesis Trustworthy?
Evolution or Creation: Which takes more faith? 13`54
Is the Bible the word of God? 14'41
Archaeology, history, and Bible fragments 13'29
*If you are a scientist and need deeper scientific resersrch, please see Creation Ministries International where most staff are scientists in different branches and hold PhD’s.
The above are quick overviews with facts to help someone who has never had the opportunity to verify proof of a Creator. If some need more personal help, just send an email and we will follow up. The goal is not to argue or have a debate, but simply show the facts. You owe it to yourself to find out.
The above are quick overviews with facts to help someone who has never had the opportunity to verify proof of a Creator. If some need more personal help, just send an email and we will follow up. The goal is not to argue or have a debate, but simply show the facts. You owe it to yourself to find out.