For many years Jehovah's Witnesses preached that the United Nations were part of the diabolical governements of this world. Yet, for decades they were members and followed the U.N.'s philosophy. Here is a letter from the UN stating they were members and they had to adopt the U.N.'s beliefs and vision of the future while members. A perfect example of a cult's double talk.
Leonard Greenspoon of the Biblical Archaeology Society wrote some interesting thoughts on Bibles, their content, and targeted audience. He is Professor of Theology and of Classical & Near Eastern Studies and was Professor of Religious Studies at Clemson University.
His insights such as “some Bibles are aimed at specific religious groups, but this is not always clear from the title. How is a Bible buyer to know that the New American Bible is prepared by and for Roman Catholics, while the similarly named New American Standard Bible is aimed at conservative Protestants?” His comments will interest all Bible students. This free e-book guides you through 27 different Bible versions (literal, nonliteral with extended vocabulary, and nonliteral with limited vocabulary or colloquial language as he describes his work) and highlights their content, text, style, and religious orientation. |
Free You can download the e- book at the Biblical Archaeology Society with the link: There is no charge to join the library and no monetary compensation for His bio is found at the end of the e-book. If you have trouble with the download, please let me know. |