Audio: Evolution or Creation--which takes more faith? 13 minutes
Audio: Is the Bible the word of God? 14'41
Archaeology, history, and Bible fragments 13'29
To believe or not, does it really matter?
Is there a God or not? Do all beliefs lead to God? Does it really matter how God is worshipped? As shown in the prophecy series, the real spiritual battle is “The lie versus truth.” Satan called God a liar in Gen. 3: 1-5. Is God a liar or not? If there is no God and no resurrection then as the apostle Paul said, we are people most to be pitied (1 Cor. 15: 14-18).
We’ve heard the arguments and don’t agree
The status quo today is to mock those who believe in God as naïve. There is so much pressure to conform that we hesitate to say we are Christians or believers if there is a crowd. Schools across North America are banning the teaching of creation and implementing evolution and atheistic teaching as the norm. The criticisms cover the gauntlet from, “How can someone as smart as you believe in a God, I am not going to believe in a book written thousands of years ago, you must be simpleminded to believe, or I don’t believe in things I can’t see,” and so on. However, after being forty years in-the-trenches, I can tell you Christians have more solid evidence of a Creator, and more proof that there must be a God, than evolutionists who say there is no God. You never have to shy away from explaining in a loving way why we believe, but you have to have some points to help them reason.
Many of us were atheists or agnostics
Most, who can defend their faith, have been atheists until taking the time to investigate the facts. Quickly we found out we were parroting someone else’s hidden agenda, and repeating lies based on hearsay. Although many atheists are sincere when they mock Christians, most do not realize that their beliefs are built on a foundation of sand. The proof is few have read the Bible but are quick to tell you what the Bible contains.
Is it important to believe or not?
It is important--no God, no purpose, do what you want, and love others when it is convenient. However, those who suffered in concentration camps know that a world without God is a terrifying place. Ask the victims of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Christians under the Iron Curtain if a godless world is attractive. Study the lifestyle of those who live under atheistic regimes like North Korea where possessing a Bible is a death sentence. But if there is a God, there is a plan and an explanation. Nothing is created without a purpose.
The following five themes give enough info to defend or explain our faith. We do not have to back down from any argument if we have the information and can answer in a loving way. However, no information will be able to convince someone if they don’t want to believe or simply want to argue. However, it will help others understand that there is a solid foundation for our beliefs and when defending our faith, our faith grows.
Defending our beliefs in a God we don't see (1 Pe. 3:15)*
*If you are a scientist and need deeper researched studies, please see Creation Ministries where most staff are scientists in different branches and hold Ph.D’s.
The above are quick overviews with facts to help someone who has never had the opportunity to verify proof of a Creator they don't see. If some need more personal help, just send an email and we will follow up. The goal is not to argue or have a debate, but simply show the facts. You owe it to yourself to find out.
Is there a God or not? Do all beliefs lead to God? Does it really matter how God is worshipped? As shown in the prophecy series, the real spiritual battle is “The lie versus truth.” Satan called God a liar in Gen. 3: 1-5. Is God a liar or not? If there is no God and no resurrection then as the apostle Paul said, we are people most to be pitied (1 Cor. 15: 14-18).
We’ve heard the arguments and don’t agree
The status quo today is to mock those who believe in God as naïve. There is so much pressure to conform that we hesitate to say we are Christians or believers if there is a crowd. Schools across North America are banning the teaching of creation and implementing evolution and atheistic teaching as the norm. The criticisms cover the gauntlet from, “How can someone as smart as you believe in a God, I am not going to believe in a book written thousands of years ago, you must be simpleminded to believe, or I don’t believe in things I can’t see,” and so on. However, after being forty years in-the-trenches, I can tell you Christians have more solid evidence of a Creator, and more proof that there must be a God, than evolutionists who say there is no God. You never have to shy away from explaining in a loving way why we believe, but you have to have some points to help them reason.
Many of us were atheists or agnostics
Most, who can defend their faith, have been atheists until taking the time to investigate the facts. Quickly we found out we were parroting someone else’s hidden agenda, and repeating lies based on hearsay. Although many atheists are sincere when they mock Christians, most do not realize that their beliefs are built on a foundation of sand. The proof is few have read the Bible but are quick to tell you what the Bible contains.
Is it important to believe or not?
It is important--no God, no purpose, do what you want, and love others when it is convenient. However, those who suffered in concentration camps know that a world without God is a terrifying place. Ask the victims of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Christians under the Iron Curtain if a godless world is attractive. Study the lifestyle of those who live under atheistic regimes like North Korea where possessing a Bible is a death sentence. But if there is a God, there is a plan and an explanation. Nothing is created without a purpose.
The following five themes give enough info to defend or explain our faith. We do not have to back down from any argument if we have the information and can answer in a loving way. However, no information will be able to convince someone if they don’t want to believe or simply want to argue. However, it will help others understand that there is a solid foundation for our beliefs and when defending our faith, our faith grows.
Defending our beliefs in a God we don't see (1 Pe. 3:15)*
- Evolution or Creation—Which Takes More Faith?
- Is the Bible God's Word?
- Is Genesis Trustworthy?
- Archaeology and the Bible
- How the Bible Came Down to Us and Has It Been Corrupted
*If you are a scientist and need deeper researched studies, please see Creation Ministries where most staff are scientists in different branches and hold Ph.D’s.
The above are quick overviews with facts to help someone who has never had the opportunity to verify proof of a Creator they don't see. If some need more personal help, just send an email and we will follow up. The goal is not to argue or have a debate, but simply show the facts. You owe it to yourself to find out.